Prospective spatiale internationale
La prospective spatiale est un sujet de travail pour de nombreux acteurs sur la scène internationale. Space’ibles s’efforce de s’ouvrir à des coopérations dans ce domaine afin de s’enrichir mutuellement.
Deux pistes de coopération sont engagées : avec l'Allemagne et les Emirats Arabes Unis.
Together On The Moon: A French-German Strategic Foresight Initiative for Space
France and Germany wish to elaborate a joint strategic foresight in the field of space activities. The first activity addresses lunar foresight.
What is innovative?
- The diversity of the participants: This initiative sets up a team including individuals from space agencies, academia, industry, and start-ups to develop forward-looking activities;
- The manifold perspective on strategic foresight: This initiative builds on the respective knowledge, experience, and methodologies of the French and German participants for a mutual benefit.
Who benefits from it?
- The participants: Space agencies, industry (including start-ups), and academia;
- The French and German industrial landscapes beyond the initiative’s participants as well as the European Space ecosystem.
What are the impacts?
- Potential joint lunar initiative;
- Giving momentum and a new dimension to strategic foresight applied to space activities;
- Increase economic development through fruitful Franco-German collaboration.
Emirats Arabes Unis
Future Foresight (2018)
Découvrez le travail de prospective réalisé aux Emirats Arabes Unis par le MBR Center for Accelerated Research dans les domaines de l'espace, du transport, de l'eau, de la santé, de la technologie, de l'éducation et de l'énergie.