Updated on January 17, 2025

A very-high-resolution technology demonstrator

Vue d’artiste d’un satellite du programme OTOS
Artist’s view of an OTOS programme satellite © CNES/REGY Michel, 2016

The OTOS programme—for Observation de la Terre Optique Super-résolue (super-resolution optical Earth observation)—is preparing the next generation of civil and military Earth-observation satellites.

Key information

MissionPrepare the technologies needed for the next generation of Earth-observation and military satellites, and test these technologies on ground demonstrators
Start dateStarted in February 2011 under the code name CXCI, the programme was renamed OTOS in 2013
PartnersDGA, industry
WhereEarth orbit
LifetimeScheduled to end 2024

Key milestones

  • 2024: Scheduled end of programme
  • 2013: CXCI programme renamed OTOS
  • February 2011: CXCI programme kicks off


Project in brief

The OTOS technology demonstrator programme is preparing the technologies needed for the future very-high-resolution Earth-observation programme that is set to take over from Pleiades and for the follow-on to the CSO-MUSIS defence programme.

After first identifying disruptive technologies geared towards enabling a step change in cost and performance, OTOS is now conceiving ground demonstrators to take these technologies to the next level of maturity for use on future programmes (CO3D, IRIS).

Specifically, the aim is to develop innovative and critical technologies to readiness levels of TRL5 to TRL6 (on a scale of 9) for future civil and military Earth-observation missions, while also pursuing the goal of giving French industry a competitive edge in future export markets.


CNES’s role

As prime contractor for the OTOS programme, CNES is tasked with:

  • Executing activities concerning system, satellite and payload components, leading to the definition of demonstrator specifications
  • Supervising demonstrators
  • Providing oversight

The French defence procurement agency DGA is actively partnering the programme and providing funding.

The French aerospace industry is involved in production and testing.

For any questions, please use the website’s contact form.