Updated on January 17, 2025

Precisely mapping Earth’s gravity field

Vue d’artiste du satellite GOCE
Artist’s view of GOCE satellite © ESA Standard Licence

From 2009 to 2013, the GOCE satellite mapped Earth’s gravity field with unequalled spatial resolution and accuracy.

Key information

MissionStudy Earth’s gravity field
DomainEarth observation
Launch date17 March 2009
WhereNear-circular orbit at altitude of around 260 km
LifetimeEnd of mission: 21 October 2013

Key figures

  • 1,100 kg: satellite mass
  • 2 cm cumulative geoid error and 1 mGal (=10-5 m/s2) precision when measuring gravity field at spatial resolution of 100 km
  • 3 instruments: gradiometer, GPS, drag compensation


Key milestones

  • 10 to 11 November 2013: End and deorbiting of GOCE mission
  • 17 March 2009: GOCE satellite launched by Rockot
  • 17 March 2002: Two GRACE satellites launched, complementary to GOCE
  • 1999: ESA selects GOCE mission for its Earth Explorer programme


Project in brief

For more than four years, the European GOCE satellite (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) circled Earth at around 260 kilometres. To compensate for the effects of atmospheric drag in this very low orbit, the satellite was equipped with ion thrusters, without which it would have fallen back to Earth in a matter of months.

Why such a low orbit? Because the gravity field’s attraction is stronger the closer we get to the centre of the Earth, making it easier to measure the tiny spatial variations caused for example by ocean trenches, mountains or movements inside the planet’s mantle.

GOCE’s measurements have enabled scientists to map Earth’s geoid with unprecedented accuracy at a spatial resolution of 100 kilometres. The geoid is the surface of an ideal global ocean in the absence of tides and currents, shaped only by gravity. It serves as a reference surface for numerous other missions and scientific studies. For example, GOCE data are widely used to determine mean sea surface height, thermohaline circulation and ice thickness, and therefore to better understand climate change and its impacts. They are also of great value in geophysics.

GOCE complemented the GRACE mission (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment), which between 2002 and 2017 observed temporal variations in Earth’s gravity field due notably to tides, ocean currents and changes in polar ice cover, at a lower resolution of around 200 kilometres.


CNES’s role

GOCE was the first Earth Explorer mission selected by ESA, in 1999. CNES’s space geodesy team is part of the European consortium tasked with generating science and operational products from GOCE data.



Internal Geophysics, Geodynamics and Geodesy subject matter expert
Felix Perosanz
E-mail: felix.perosanz at cnes.fr